
Delonghi Dedica Maestro Plus Manual Espresso Coffee Maker | EC950.M

SKU : EC950.M

You shouldn’t have to go to a fancy café to enjoy a good coffee. This De’Longhi Dedica Maestro has both pressurised and non-pressurised baskets. That means you can opt for a quick and easy coffee or a barista-style brew – it’s your choice. With its fast heat up time, your morning espresso will be ready before you can say “what time is it?” And if you prefer something a little smoother, use the steam wand to make delicious, velvety-smooth foam. With 3 different foam textures, your cappuccinos, flat whites and lattes are sure to hit the spot every time.

Good to know

– Choose from 3 coffee infusion temperatures so every drink tastes its best
– The compact design won’t take up much room on your worktops so it’s ideal for smaller kitchens
– It’s sustainably made from recycled materials to help cut down on waste
– It comes with everything you need to get started including a tampermilk jug and coffee doser

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449.99Save €100

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